Tuesday, April 23, 2013

What I am training for next

I did so good keeping up with my food journal the week before last and after all the craziness that happened last week, I kept forgetting to log and take photos of what I was eating. I didnt do bad, though. I still need to work on a little more portion control with dinner. I will start the logging up again really soon - It is good to look back and see what I ate!

I am super glad that I have 2 races under my belt for this year already. They were both lots of fun and look forward to them again next year. I have found that training for a race is one way that keeps me motivated to keep going. I have quite a few races in mind that I want to do, but the next one that I am training for is 14K. It will be my first 14k as well as my first trail race! I am excited to see how it will be.
(click on the image to be taken to the website)
8.5 miles should be fun right? I also want to do 1 or 2 half marathons this year! Aiming for one in October and 1 in November. That may be too close together though. I have to take that into consideration.
Do you have any races planned? If not, you totally should get on board. If you dont know about any, Active.com is a great way to find out about races in your area!
Much Love,

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