Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Food log (4-9-13) and Running with the Gnats

Today was a pretty good day! Most all my days are actually because I always pray before I start my day and I always expect nothing less than a great day - no negativity, no drama, and no excuses. When I made my breakfast this morning, I remembered to take a picture of all that I packed in my lunch bag along with my breakfast that was cooked and ready to go.

Of all of that yummy stuff pictured, I had the egg sandwich and hot green tea for breakfast (there is a tea bag in the green tea - looks funny lol) and a banana - not pictured. Missed my morning snack due to working through my morning break. For lunch I ate the smoothie (pink and clear cup) and grapes with a small order of waffle fries from chick-fil-A (compliments of my co-worker). I did drink about half a gallon of that water and half of that Sparkling Ice water drink.
When I got off work, I focused on not eating much because I had plans of going on a run. I am weird. I cant do much food in my stomach within a 2 hour out time frame. And sometimes that has an effect with getting side stitches and a bloated feeling. So I munched on VERY FEW sliced almonds and 1 slice of honey roasted turkey breast. Then I drank half of my gatorade pre-game fuel drink 30 minutes before going out. That was testing the waters as this was my first time in years that I tried the gatorade fuel again.
I ran 2 miles with my good friend Anni and my stomach did okay with the gatorade.
 Towards the end, I started getting a stitch in the side, but was able to breathe through it and it went away, but I was fine. I did better with keeping up with Anni - that girl is def speedy gonzalez! I like how many people that I run with have a different running style. She is able to get into a run with speed and run the same pace the whole time. Normally I use my first mile as a little warm up mile then get into a little speed later. I was good with that though as it gives me some speed work without scheduling it as speed work training :-) During our run, we had many encounters with GNATS. The trails that we run are right by a large canal that has water. So the further into the evening you go, the more gnats come out. It was a little crazy. One flew in my eye as I was almost at the end of my run and had to stop. I'm like hold up, " do you crazy gnats see all this other open space here and you gotta fly in my eye!" really?!
When I got back I had a gatorade protien drink ( had not had one of those in a while either), ate my dinner and then had a chobani blueberry yogurt (blueberry is my FAVE)
Dinner was black beans, rice-a-roni fried rice with half the seasoning packet, and light teriyaki cubed steak (which my daughter helped me to eat half of it).
This Chobani yogurt was just the best thing that was ever made. It just gets even better when you are almost done eating it - its like you will think about having another. I love that it has 14 grams of protein too!

Other than all of the above, I spent quite a bit of time on my phone today. 3 seperate calls that lasted over an hour. And my phone just kept ringing. Some of the calls were for about 5 - 10 minutes. That is so out of the ordinary for me as I hardly ever use my phone to talk on (I know - crazy) except to people that I have known for a while, but its never that many in a day. I think God may be preparing me for something ;-) LOL

Great day! Hope your day was a great one! If it wasnt, its never to late to expect a great day out of tomorrow!

Much Love,

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