Tuesday, April 23, 2013

What I am training for next

I did so good keeping up with my food journal the week before last and after all the craziness that happened last week, I kept forgetting to log and take photos of what I was eating. I didnt do bad, though. I still need to work on a little more portion control with dinner. I will start the logging up again really soon - It is good to look back and see what I ate!

I am super glad that I have 2 races under my belt for this year already. They were both lots of fun and look forward to them again next year. I have found that training for a race is one way that keeps me motivated to keep going. I have quite a few races in mind that I want to do, but the next one that I am training for is 14K. It will be my first 14k as well as my first trail race! I am excited to see how it will be.
(click on the image to be taken to the website)
8.5 miles should be fun right? I also want to do 1 or 2 half marathons this year! Aiming for one in October and 1 in November. That may be too close together though. I have to take that into consideration.
Do you have any races planned? If not, you totally should get on board. If you dont know about any, Active.com is a great way to find out about races in your area!
Much Love,

Sunday, April 14, 2013

What I ate today - Food log 4-14-13

Today was such a lazy day for me. I was definitely tired this morning after eating breakfast and sitting on the couch. I did get up early at 6:30 am to get in a good 2 mile run. It was so nice out.

I came back home and grabbed a small left over crab and shrimp cake along with a Chobani (black cherry flavor)
I had a few cookies, trail mix and prob some other stuff that I dont quit remember. Its about to be that time of the month and I am craving the not so good for you stuff. I drove to Biggby Coffee to get my coffee fix. I only ate half a blueberry muffin with half a cup of a caramel hot latte (poured the other half out)
A bit later, my daughter wanted a mini pizza so I let that cook in the oven and when it was done, I was craving a piece. So I cut myself a TINY piece and ate that.
For dinner, I finished up the refills of the fruit infused water with some leftover veggie spaghetti (i took out half of what was in that container and put the rest back in the fridge) and a piece of broiled/baked chicken.
And my last snack was a bowl of frosted flake cereal. I did not eat fruit and veggies like I really should have today, but I will do better tomorrow.
Much Love,

New comforter and bedroom Inspiration

I have been on the hunt for a while looking for a comforter that we absolutely love for a GREAT price. The one we had was old and dark. The energy was just heavy. We had to have something more peaceful and lighter. During my search, I ran into a few, but they were not quite right. There was always something that I would want to change, but of course couldnt change the thread pattern in an already made comforter or take a color out.

I originally bought 2 pieces of wall art that is of a purple flower and that was supposed to be the inspiration for our bedroom. As I kept an open eye out for things that would go, it just wasnt working. So when I found these towels at my store on clearance, I knew then that the art work was going into the bathroom and that new color scheme was going to be purple, grey and white. Worked out perfectly.

So back to the bedroom. I wanted something light and airy. We had tan duponi silk (fake duponi) like curtains up already and I really didnt want to change them with any new design. While looking around in TJ Maxx one day, I came across a very nautical like comforter set. I STOPPED! THIS was it. Checked the size, then the price which was 69.99!!!!! It came with everything except the sheet set - two extra decorative pillows, euro shams, standard king shams, and the comforter were all in the set. I quickly took a photo and sent it to my husband to see if he liked it. He was in! That made me one happy girl. I was ready to turn our bedroom into a light, airy, relaxing, peaceful space.

So of course after finding this I have some other projects that I need to work on to get our bedroom into the way that I would love to have it. I hate spending a lot of money on stuff and I am a DIY queen. I will find what I like and look for the look for less or create it myself.
Here is the comforter on our bed:
I added the color tan to match our curtains and will also add a nice green color. I dont hae the euro pillows on yet. I just need to go get the right size pillows. The inspiration came from these candles that were originally for our living room (will be working in there to change the color scheme to a summery scheme)

So we are in need of a head board. I have been looking to make a fabric upholstered one for a long time, but just didnt have the right feel of the room to go with. I know what I want now. Well I have narrowed it down to 2 choices.
Something like this from Censational Girl
Or like this one from Deep thoughts by Cynthia, but paint it a nice distressed tan color.


Other stuff I would like to add:
Coastal fish prints from Etsy (Printpressfmt) Just not sure which color we will go with.

I also need 2 nice lamps, some new dresser hardware for the handles, a rug, and the art work I designed to go in my 16x20 frames that I have had for a while. I love the way my artwork came out. I need to hurry and send it to get printed so that I can get them in the frames and on the wall.
Here is some other inspiration from Target:
Lamp shades
Pillows and decor
You can view my pinterest board to see more of my inspiration for the room
I hope you enjoyed the other side of me today - the side that is always on overload with creativity :-)
Much Love,

Saturday, April 13, 2013

food log 4-12-13

It has been a long day and I didnt want to miss any of the logging of the meals! So I wanted to really quickly running through what I ate today!

Morning snack

Dinner with family

Much Love,

Work Out Saturday For REAL and food log 4-13-13

The first time I woke up this morning it was at 5:20ish AM and I was ON THE SOFA - legs down and all. I looked at the clock and was like WHOA, that was not supposed to happen! I had about 45 minutes to get some good "bed" sleep before waking again to get ready for a morning run on the trails with 2 of my running buddies. I was saying, crap, crap, crap, to myself the whole time before I went to get in my comfy bed. My legs were super tight and a little swollen from sleeping like that. I wore these cute pink ballet flats to work yesterday and had them on until about 11 pm last night ( went out to dinner with some good girlfriends). Super long time to have had those shoes on because they are so flat and arent the most comfortable.

When I woke again to get ready for my run, I was excited to get out there and run. It was an okay run for me this morning. My legs started experiencing that tightness at the bottom again and I had to stop to take a walk break. I actually had to do that many times during the whole run. I started becoming very disappointed with myself and had to talk to myself the whole time. I started wondering "God how in the world am I supposed to lead a running group and help others when I keep having this issue?". I started questioning the desires of my heart, but deep down I know that it was God that placed those desires there. I would be deeply persuing papery and cakes if i had not found this desire - the desire to help others get out there and just go. The desire to motivate, encourage, inspire others that dont believe in themselves. I redirected my thoughts and tried to become more positive towards myself. The only thing I do is to keep going, incorporate yoga more, and REALLY get back to rollerblading, the eliptical, spin class and tempo runs (i know I keep saying that, but have yet to do so).

Trail mix and a half of a grapefruit

After the 3 mile morning run, I came home and ate breakfast, got my daughter ready to go to the gym with me. She ate her breakfast and we were out the door. I did 1 hour of Zumba and had so much fun! The one part that was not fun, was the part when the instructor informed us that today was her last Saturday class at that gym :-(

When Zumba was over, I still had some energy and knew that Constance would not be ready to leave if I went to get her because she loves playing with the kids at the gym. So why not let her play for 2 hours and I go try out a new class. That new class is Body Combat and it was a BLAST! I was super done when class was over.

I went to Publix after the gym to get some water and some more Chobani yogurt to make a nice smoothie when I got home. That was def my lunch. Everyting in the picture went into this smoothie. It was delish!
I had a few unhealthy snacks through out the rest of the day. Some twizlers and chocolate cookies may have come across my path today.

We went to scope out the town that I grew up in and I always thought that it was horrible. After viewing and touring today, there has been many improvements and I guess as you get older, you are able to apprecieate the beauty of the area. Parts of it is kind of historic with some older nice homes and such.

Getting back home, this girl was tired. So my husband took our daughter off for a while I climed in to that comfy bed with our pretty new comfy bedspread and took a nap. It was so nice to go to sleep with the sun shining through the blinds and just making everything look fresh. It was peaceful!

Dinner time rolled around and hubs woke me telling me that he just made a really nice dinner. It was nice - Veggie spaghetti and crab and shrimp cakes/patties. Didnt get a picture of the crab and shrimp cakes. Every thing was really good!

And to end the night, I made some fruit infused water, with lemon, lime and cucumber. Pretty tasty!

Hope you are having a fabulous weekend!

Much Love,

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Food Log 4-11-13

Yesterday wasnt too bad of a day! I could have used a bit more water, but I did drink pretty good. Here is a quick recap of what I ate today!

Breakfast: Waffles with Peanut butter and a light swirl of syrup with a hot cup of green tea. There was supposed to be a banana involved with this too, but forgot it at home and remembered as soon as I got down the road headed to work.

Morning snack: A cup of yogurt with 1/3 cup of low fat granola with almonds

Lunch: Turkey sandwich with sliced cucumbers, baby spring lettuce mix, and mustard, with a half of a grapefruit

Afternoon snack: snack size bag of grapes

Dinner: Spinach artichoke dip, and Cajun shrimp pasta. I didnt think to get pictures of it before we started eating, but I managed the picture of the left over pasta.

The place we went - Applebee's - my daughter wanted to go there (no photos from the restaurant. My phone died before we got there). The original plan was to take a break from working out and spend the evening with her. I thought I would take her to get a small child size of one of her favorite ice creams from the Ice Cream shop, Marble Slab. She states that she wants to do a restaurant and that she can get dessert while there. I agreed, sure it would be nice to eat dinner at 430. We got the 2 for 20 deal that comes with an appetizer of choice. We chose spinach dip knowing that she prob wouldnt like it, but she picked it. For the entrees, we chose chicken tenders for her and cajun shrimp pasta for me. I made sure that I utilized portion control and asked for a to go box as soon as my food arrived to pack more than half of it away for later.

It wasnt the best but, Constance and I got to spend some quality time together out and about. Now to get back to those healthy groceries we just bought recently.

How have you been eating this week?

Much Love,

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Food Log 4-10-13

Woohoo for today being Wednesday. Only 2 more days left in this work week. I have plans for our running group to start back up this Saturday. Hopefully we will gain a few more people. The more the merrier!

Here is what I ate today:

Breakfast - Egg sandwich with slice of cheese and spinach

Morning Snack: Strawberry, banana, apple smoothie (I remembered the picture right about when I was almost done)

Lunch: Taco soup with a slice of cantaloupe ( I could have done with out the Cheese)

Evening snack: slice of turkey meat, 1/2 of a fudge cookie, and some Gatorade

Post workout snack: Chobani Yogurt

Dinner: Baked potato, Steak and LOTS of Onions ( my husband thinks I'm a little weird that I can eat a whole large onion by myself, cooked of course!) My potato is covered with Onions with a little bit of shredded cheddar cheese. I am noticing that when we cook dinner as a family, our portions or at least mine, are too big. I need to focus more on making a smaller portion on my plate and automatically refrigerated the rest for another day. Once the food leaves the kitchen to my plate and then to the dining room, its like I become a rabid dog. No one better touch that plate or its ON!! work in progress, work in progress.........

My husband did go to the grocery store while I was at the gym to restock on some fruits and veggies with a few other things.

I love fresh veggies and fruits and preparing myself for a healthy end of week and weekend!

Much Love,

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Food log (4-9-13) and Running with the Gnats

Today was a pretty good day! Most all my days are actually because I always pray before I start my day and I always expect nothing less than a great day - no negativity, no drama, and no excuses. When I made my breakfast this morning, I remembered to take a picture of all that I packed in my lunch bag along with my breakfast that was cooked and ready to go.

Of all of that yummy stuff pictured, I had the egg sandwich and hot green tea for breakfast (there is a tea bag in the green tea - looks funny lol) and a banana - not pictured. Missed my morning snack due to working through my morning break. For lunch I ate the smoothie (pink and clear cup) and grapes with a small order of waffle fries from chick-fil-A (compliments of my co-worker). I did drink about half a gallon of that water and half of that Sparkling Ice water drink.
When I got off work, I focused on not eating much because I had plans of going on a run. I am weird. I cant do much food in my stomach within a 2 hour out time frame. And sometimes that has an effect with getting side stitches and a bloated feeling. So I munched on VERY FEW sliced almonds and 1 slice of honey roasted turkey breast. Then I drank half of my gatorade pre-game fuel drink 30 minutes before going out. That was testing the waters as this was my first time in years that I tried the gatorade fuel again.
I ran 2 miles with my good friend Anni and my stomach did okay with the gatorade.
 Towards the end, I started getting a stitch in the side, but was able to breathe through it and it went away, but I was fine. I did better with keeping up with Anni - that girl is def speedy gonzalez! I like how many people that I run with have a different running style. She is able to get into a run with speed and run the same pace the whole time. Normally I use my first mile as a little warm up mile then get into a little speed later. I was good with that though as it gives me some speed work without scheduling it as speed work training :-) During our run, we had many encounters with GNATS. The trails that we run are right by a large canal that has water. So the further into the evening you go, the more gnats come out. It was a little crazy. One flew in my eye as I was almost at the end of my run and had to stop. I'm like hold up, " do you crazy gnats see all this other open space here and you gotta fly in my eye!" really?!
When I got back I had a gatorade protien drink ( had not had one of those in a while either), ate my dinner and then had a chobani blueberry yogurt (blueberry is my FAVE)
Dinner was black beans, rice-a-roni fried rice with half the seasoning packet, and light teriyaki cubed steak (which my daughter helped me to eat half of it).
This Chobani yogurt was just the best thing that was ever made. It just gets even better when you are almost done eating it - its like you will think about having another. I love that it has 14 grams of protein too!

Other than all of the above, I spent quite a bit of time on my phone today. 3 seperate calls that lasted over an hour. And my phone just kept ringing. Some of the calls were for about 5 - 10 minutes. That is so out of the ordinary for me as I hardly ever use my phone to talk on (I know - crazy) except to people that I have known for a while, but its never that many in a day. I think God may be preparing me for something ;-) LOL

Great day! Hope your day was a great one! If it wasnt, its never to late to expect a great day out of tomorrow!

Much Love,

Monday, April 8, 2013

Food Log 4-8-13

It was my first day back to work after a week of vacation - 9 days to be exact! It was SOO hard to wake up this morning and get ready for work. I kept forgetting what day it was. I did, however, set myself up for success with my eating today. I will share with you what I ate.

I missed the first picture of a nice egg sandwich that I had for breakfast with a hot cup of green tea and no sugar. It was a total of 2 whole eggs and 2 egg whites, a slice of american cheese and whole wheat bread.

For my morning snack I had a cup of yogurt and a half a bag of Celery with Salsa
For Lunch, It was a romaine and spinach salad with sliced almonds, dried pineapple, and ginger dressing with grapes
For my after lunch snack (about 2 hours later), I had some canteloupe
When I got off, I did have a little kettle cooked potato chip snack. I made sure I checked the calories and Fat content.
After that, I created a 20 minute butt kicking workout! It was a good short workout! (I will share that with you soon!)
That workout had me out of breath a few times. I made some smoothies for dinner. I made extra so that I can have 2 left over for work tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. This one was the strawberry, banana-apple smoothie. YUM!
I have been drinking my water too! Such a good day to start back eating right!
Much Love,