Monday, April 14, 2014

Oh yoga!

Just this week, I have started practicing yoga every single night. I like this page on facebook called holy yoga and they focus on faith, God and bringing you closer in your walk with God. I have felt so distant from Him lately so I have been trying to focus on slowing down and truly keeping him on my mind all day - praying and praising too.

So I saw some thing on holy yoga's facebook page about all it takes is 3 minutes a day or so to practice poses that seem difficult. That got me to thinking that I didn't need to do a full blown yoga session to do yoga. It also helped me to understand the "practicing" aspect of it. Oh I was in LOVE!

I can say that I have always loved yoga, but couldn't manage to go to classes as often as I would have liked. I do have 2 dvds at home, but they don't feel like the deep, relaxing, peaceful yoga that I have been yearning for. I can tell a huge difference in my flexibility since doing ite every day. And no, it hasn't been a full session every day. I have been practicing warrior pose III, low lunge, high lunge, and the revolved triangle pose. Just practicing will have you using that strength and really make you focus on breathing.

 Here is the latest flow sequence that I have been working on.

 I did the whole flow and it felt amazing. There was the extended hand-to-big toe pose that I had to modify. Every time I would grab my foot, I could tell my form was messing up. So I grabbed a dining room chair and used the back top of it to help me. Still have some practicing to do with that one!

Major improvement in my hamstring flexibility and that is going to help so much when running! I am excited to keep it up! Looking at this picture, you can see my hands are flat on the ground. I have never been able to go that far with my hands being flat down!

If you are reading this you should try "practicing"  little bit a day. It will make you feel so good. And yoga journal is a great magazine that has lots of info.

Much love,

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