Thursday, March 6, 2014

10k training, going, going......

Hey guys! I have decided to try to start blogging more once again. Gosh, life happens and ya get busy and there is just no time for it sometimes! I was thinking the other day, "I really need to start blogging/writing again". There is just so much on my mind all the time and this really is an outlet to get if some things off my mind.

Today is a NEW day and I am excited to just embrace the day and grab it by the horns. I have to do something because it has been DREARY here. Raining and grey skies since TUESDAY! Not supposed to clear up until SATURDAY! This girl needs some sunshine and beautiful weather in order to operate my best. So that is why I am choosing to be excited today even though there is no beautiful sunshine. I am going to make the best of it anyway!

If you have been following me on my facebook page, you know that I have started my 10k training. Once again, I didnt get to start it at 8 weeks out, but I started at 6 weeks out! After my half marathon in November and a lot of life happenings, my running hasnt been where it used to be. As a matter of fact, I have been finding a little hard to wake up and go. I am hoping that most of it is due to it being dark early in the morning when I want to go. And with my husbands new schedule he has to leave to go to work around 6:30 am which means if I am going to get in a run, I need to be out the door around 5:30/5:45 depending on how far I want to go. He doesnt get off until the next day at 8 am so cant go early those mornings either. 

(Last year at the 10k bridge run)

So none the less, I am looking FORWARD to the spring forward time change! At 5:45 am the sky should be lighting up just a bit. Once I am able to start the routine again of getting out there that early, the darkness shouldn't bother me early am when the time changes again in the fall.

So with my training, there will be some more parking garage training days and even though those are tough, I am excited to run some stairs. I am also hoping to be able to beat my time from the past two years of 1 hour and twenty something minutes. 

 For today's training, I have cross-training planned and that consists of a spin/cycling class! It has been a little while since I have done one. Not looking forward to the sore booty!! After that first day back after not doing it for a while, my butt gets sore from the seat. After the soreness wears off, then I am good. I know too much info, but hey if you have never done a class, I am sure you might appreciate it :-)

What are your plans for today?

Much Love,

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