Thursday, January 15, 2015

Hey There!

It is most definitely a new year and I have a personal goal to blog a lot more often! I know, every time I post on here after not writing for quite some time, I am always wanting to blog more, but fall off the wagon. I have got to write more. There is just too much going on in this crazy head of mine to not dump it out. Gotta get it out more often!

Okay so last year was a tough year for me with being motivated to keep up with my workouts. I had lost my day job in January, exactly one month after my mom had passed away (like that wasn't enough). My job was kind of high intensity which kept me going like a crazy woman all day long and I actually loved that. But since being gone from there, I'm not as active at home. There is no reason to carry a 18 ft ladder to put decorations up in the ceiling at home right? Well, at the time no because we only had 9 ft ceilings at our apt. Now we do have high ceilings in our new home. More about that later!

After I left, I decided to try and dive into my business and work towards turning it into my full time career. Only I am usually behind my computer lots of times. I went back and forth in my mind so much trying to find the right balance, but I guess I kept making excuses. I liked to workout in the mornings, but since my daughter started kindergarten, it became a little crazy and hard to wake up before 5 am. I didn't even try 4 am. The mind is such a battle field, and I was constantly going back and forth in my mind on "well if I work out in the morning, I wont be able to get fully dressed in time to take Constance to school in order to start my work day" and "Gosh, I really don't want to work out in the evenings since I am kind of tied down with work....." EXCUSES!!

I really let that take over my whole year. I would get into a semi decent routine and it would be great one week and the next, not good at all. I also started back at college and that added more change and more excuses. Though it was a little tough with 3 full time classes in just a 7 week time frame, but i most definitely could have managed my time a little better to do what I needed to do which was workout.

So here is the new year, and I am digging deep and wanting to focus on writing more to get my feelings out and fight my way back to the top again. No excuses any more and no more living in the past! I have realized how pathetic I have been with letting "sissy girl" run my life and my mind. I know what it takes to get where I want to be, I must apply the work to accomplish the goal! I must do it when I dont feel like doing it. I need to stop letting fear get in the way and push through to the top!!

Cheers to a new year of more writing, a new journey, accomplishing many goals and a beautiful life! I am going to enjoy the ride even if I must sweat my way through it :-)

Much Love,

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