Its a new week! Are you going to CHOOSE to run
your week or will you have the week run you? Its actually a choice and a
matter of how we respond to things when they dont exactly go as we have
planned or thought they would go. One thing you can
start with is planning your workouts. When we workout consistently, it
makes you feel so much better. It makes you feel a sense of
accomplishment that you are starting to take care of your self. It makes
you feel stronger, like you can tackle anything that comes your way. Of
course there is more to all of that, but you MUST Choose to start
somewhere. Let's make this week a GREAT one!!
Here is my workout plan for the week! I am ready to grab it by the horns and make it call me Mama!! Haha! Time to get it DONE!
You can most definitely have one for yourself as well! Print it out and plan your workouts for the week! Then post it where you can see it everyday and cross it off as you go through the week!
Hope you enjoy!
Much Love,