Monday, July 21, 2014

Weekly Workout Planner Template

Its a new week! Are you going to CHOOSE to run your week or will you have the week run you? Its actually a choice and a matter of how we respond to things when they dont exactly go as we have planned or thought they would go. One thing you can start with is planning your workouts. When we workout consistently, it makes you feel so much better. It makes you feel a sense of accomplishment that you are starting to take care of your self. It makes you feel stronger, like you can tackle anything that comes your way. Of course there is more to all of that, but you MUST Choose to start somewhere. Let's make this week a GREAT one!!

Here is my workout plan for the week! I am ready to grab it by the horns and make it call me Mama!! Haha! Time to get it DONE!

 You can most definitely have one for yourself as well! Print it out and plan your workouts for the week! Then post it where you can see it everyday and cross it off as you go through the week!

Hope you enjoy!

Much Love,

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

{Demonstrations} Last Night's workout - 7-15-14

I have been dusting off my blogs this week for sure! I actually got a chance to write on my other one this past Monday. It felt nice to do so :-)

Okay, my workout I did last night is one that I got from Zuzka Light a long time ago. A quick little workout (well depending on how many reps and sets you do) to keep you moving, challenge your body and your heart rate.

There are only 4 exercises, but there are 2 moves per exercise. I am not quite sure of the exact terminology, but here is what I came up with that makes sense.
1. Side twist squats with jump ups
2. Oblique Planks (knees to elbows)
3. Skaters with knee raises
4. Side to side jumps with side kick.

Here are the demonstrations:
Its hard taking pictures of yourself while trying to get the moves right before the timer goes off! Haha. Hubby did manage to get 1 or 2 pictures for me, but he doesnt have a steady hand. lol. ANYHOW.... here they are!
Side twist squats with jump ups

Oblique planks (Knees to elbows)

Skaters with knee raises

Side to side jumps with side kick

I do anywhere between 10 - 12 reps and 3 - 4 sets 
Reps are how many of each exercise you do.
Sets are how many of the whole (all) exercise group that you do. After completing all four exercises one time, that equals 1 set.
Let me know if you try it out and what you think. I personally love this mix! Dont forget you can follow me on Facebook.