Tuesday, June 4, 2013

My Summer Bucket List

So after a couple of days or should I say a good week and a half, I have made it back to the gym! My back has eased up some. It still gets sore if I sit for a while and stand up, but not as bad as it was. YAAYY! It is time to get serious again. My 14k will be this month and training for Team in Training starts next week.....I am committed!

I was thinking last month of some things that I wanted to do this summer kind of like a bucket list of things I want to do and accomplish. So here it is - My Summer Bucket List:

1. Become a good swimmer - I was scarred with the deep end during swimming lessons when i was a kid and let that keep me from becoming a good swimmer. I can swim (not the strongest) but have kind of stayed away from it for a while.
2. Play tennis again. Used to play in high school
3. Start personal training certification process
4. Go camping (never been)
5. Be a beach bum - Lord knows I used to be :-)
6. Go kayaking more and buy a kayak
7. Go stand up paddle boarding
8. Host a Sundress and Sandals event with some girl friends
9. Sign up for Team in Training another year ( CHECKED OFF  http://pages.teamintraining.org/sc/rnrsav13/runningwithkrissy)
10. Become the funny girl I used to be and be that fun summer mom
11. Reconnect with an old best friend after our fall out 3 years ago.
12. Blog more
13. Post on my personal page running with krissy more.
14. Save money
15. Read some good books beginning to the end
16. Enjoy some new restaurants
17. Sign up to play soccer on an adult league ( Just about CHECKED OFF - Had to opt out. Hubby has to finish paying for school so new cleats and shin guards (don't have any) are out of the budget right now)
18. Plant some plants on the patio
19. Fix bicycles and ride more
20. Have a water balloon fight
21. Plan Constance's 5th birthday - Lalaloopsy theme
22. Learn how to fish
23. Run a 14k (already registered for it!)
24. swimming lessons for Constance
25. fly kites in the park
26. Wear hair down more
27. visit a theme park
28. go to a water park
29. Watch the sunrise on the beach

Its going to be a fun summer!

Much Love,